Extended Child Care Center Locations
Mark West ECC (facility number: 490111334)
4600 Lavell Road Santa Rosa, California 95403
The Mark West Extended Child Care center provides care for children 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. Daily opportunities for homework assistance, computers, group games, dramatic play, and physical activity are offered. The center also presents a rich animal care environment with various pets and accompanying curriculum. A nutritious breakfast and afternoon snack are served during the regular day program. Opportunities for subsidized care are available at this site to qualifying families.
John B. Riebli ECC (facility number: 493000856)
305 Mark West Springs Road Santa Rosa, California 95404
Riebli Extended Child Care is a vital part of the Riebli Elementary School campus, providing care for children 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. Staff work closely with administration and classroom teachers to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of the children in care. The center boasts four dedicated rooms utilized for homework assistance, physical activities, imaginary construction projects, arts & crafts, computers, and dramatic play. There are also pool and air hockey tables. A large outdoor playground, climbing apparatus, partially shaded deck with outdoor tables, and garden area are also available. A nutritious breakfast and afternoon snack are served during the regular day program.
San Miguel ECC (facility number: 490111249)
5350 Faught Road Santa Rosa, California 95403
San Miguel Extended Child Care provides care for children 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. The staff strives to provide creative, social, and physical opportunities, in addition to meeting academic needs through homework assistance. TK/Kindergartners and older children (10-12 yrs old) have rooms dedicated specifically to their needs and interests. The center is also home to several center pets. All children attending have opportunities to engage in arts & crafts, daily physical activity, computers, homework assistance, dramatic play, and much more. A nutritious breakfast and afternoon snack are served during the regular day program.
J.X. Wilson ECC (facility number: 490107083)
246 Brittain Lane Santa Rosa, California 95401
The center at J.W. Wilson offers such opportunities as homework assistance, arts & crafts projects, music & dance club, ongoing science curriculum, and computers for children ages 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. The center actively participates in community organizations such as Champions for Change and Power Play to encourage healthy eating and exercise. A nutritious breakfast and afternoon snack are served during the regular day program. Opportunities for subsidized care are available at this site to qualifying families.
R. L. Stevens ECC (facility number: 493000369)
2345 Giffen Avenue Santa Rosa, California 95407
R.L. Stevens Extended Child Care provides care for children ages 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. R.L. Stevens Extended Child Care center prides itself on being culturally aware and staying active in the school community. The staff exposes the children to various service learning opportunities and focuses on building strong social skills. An abundance of opportunities are available daily including homework assistance, fitness activities, dramatic play, art projects, computers, Spanish Club, science curriculum, and literacy activities. A nutritious snack is offered daily during the regular day program. Opportunities for subsidized care are available at this site to qualifying families. Opportunities for subsidized care are available at this site to qualifying families.
Wright ECC (facility number: 490107325)
4389 Price Avenue Santa Rosa, California 95407
Wright Extended Child Care provides care for children ages 4 years 6 months - 12 years old. Children at the center engage in physical activities, computers, dramatic play, music, building projects, and cooking activities. They also receive homework assistance. Diversity and connection to the larger community are also emphasized. A nutritious breakfast and afternoon snack are served during the regular day program. Opportunities for subsidized care are available at this site to qualifying families.