Subsidized Care Information
Mark West, J.X. Wilson, R.L. Stevens, Wright Charter
Subsidized care is a program administered by the California Department of Social Services (DSS) which pays for all or part of the cost of services for your family. Families who receive this assistance must meet certain conditions set by DSS. The subsidized program at ECC provides services for families who are employed, attending school, seeking permanent housing, incapacitated as determined by a medical professional or referred by CPS. HOW DOES IT WORK? Families on the ECC waitlist are ranked by income, family size, and other specific needs. When a particular center has an opening, ECC will contact the lowest income families on the waitlist. The family can then choose whether to accept the space or not. HOW DO I GET ON THE LIST? You can be placed on our waitlist by calling the ECC office at 707-545-2402. Extended Child Care maintains a subsidized waitlist. This waitlist is for families in Sonoma County who would like to receive subsidized child care. Being on this waitlist does not guarantee that you will receive subsidized services. HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO WAIT ONCE I’M ON THE LIST? Because the lowest income families are always served first, some families must wait longer than others. When you get served depends on your income, family size, the openings available, and how many other families are ahead of you on the list. Because of this, we do not know how long you will have to wait. |
These are the maximum monthly income requirements for fiscal year 2023-2024, July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024. Please keep in mind that funding is limited and some qualified families may not receive assistance.